But, it gave me a negative shut down as am thinking what would be my next post before I load it up in blogspot? Cuz, I may not be a genuine eater anymore, right? I am just writing for the sake of writing it.
Despite that negative move, I was thinking, if I do not post anything, then what’s the point of having one of this blog? It makes no sense to maintain it, and might as well terminate it.
So, today, am going to share something… Breeks Café in Queensbay Mall.
I remember one of the weekend, I was so busy and I ought to go back to work and finish whatever outstanding. Then after, hubby and I do not know where to go for lunch, a simple lunch and without much thinking process. The only place that we could hop into is Queensbay Mall.
We were thinking which of those outlets we haven’t really try it out, we realized actually quite a number of it. Like I said earlier, without much thinking process, we just hop into one of those. And we chose Breeks Café.
I’ve tried many pasta in many outlets, so far, I’ve yet to find any where I particularly like it. So, for this, we have pasta for our simple lunch.

Other Review
Shiok or Not
Food Diary of Picky Eater
Strawberry GalMemories of Life
Some have very high expectation in their food and some just have normal expectation.
I did try out the food in Breeks too, and other floggers told me that they had bad experience with that restaurant. As for me, the food and service is fine too.
dont worry, everyone's palate is of different preference. I've got complaints as well, but since I'm NOT a full-fledged food reviewer, but rather a foodie with no discerning tastebuds, I take it all in stride. :)
i think all the food blogger face the same thing...
good and bad comments on food we recommend...
Dun think too much,, you have your own fans to have some taste bud like you do...
Dun worry.. You have US... PenangTuaPui and Penang Food Blogger Community support... dun worry.. keep on writing la...
Gambateh kudasai..
About this outlet... among the first few restaurant we tried at QBM.... but the photo remain in our bin list... not meeting our expectation... may be we expect more on the $$ we spend... hee hee
just ignore the previous comment. keep on sharing and writing on the food you have. at least, we can know at least what food we can go for if we are out of idea on where to dine.
like what penang tua pui mentioned, you have Penang Food Blogger Community support. :)
i never try out breeks. no idea whether is good or not. so i cannot comment anything here.
I have heard so much about Breeks Cafe too. 50/50 in fact but I have not try them out yet to really ascertain how they fair. So, can't comment much on them now.
Sometimes, I felt that it's the combination of food we ordered that would conclude on the taste and quality. If you are not a sour food eater, a combination of szechuan soup, sweet & sour pork, mapo tofu, lemon chicken and a simple green vege would surely spoil your meal. It's all in the taste bud.
As for me, I might be able to shop for the best ingredient, cook and share amongst my friends but it does not necessary mean that everyone would love it. It all lies in the upbringing. Most of us are so used to the way our Mummy cooks and the taste she had seasoned us with all the years. It's "that" taste bud right?
I may love to eat fried crickets and sago worms with Thai sauce and it does not mean you would love it too. Just follow your taste as how you would like but there tend to be some who would disagree with you. That's life... not in eating alone but in many other aspects. Be honest to yourself in writing your reviews. That's all it takes.
Welcome back and best of health always,
But the spotlight here is not on whether taste differs from one soul to another, but rather, the food you blog and the food I commented are two totally different things (apart from your husband’s that is). Perhaps you might have missed out my mentioning of Tom Yam AND Hokkien Mee a couple of times. Though no doubt what we both ordered hailed from the same café. So maybe you should scrutinize your own flog (as told by one of my flogger friends instead of my calling it as a blog) comments before pulling up a conclusion that involves negative shut down. Else do you think I should go around every flog flogging on Penang food and leave a comment that say I am having a negative breakdown as well jst because I felt the food there tasted bad while the flogger claimed other wise? So what am I suppose to do then? That despite the positive flog on food that I deemed terrible, I shouldn’t comment anything? Then what’s the point of having an internet connection that somehow miraculously connects me to those flogs and a keyboard for me type? It make no sense for me to still subscribe to streamyx , and might as well cancelled my subscription.
And what the heck is this suppose to mean? Quote :” am taking it positively as ‘at least’ somebody is reading it. But, it gave me a negative shut down..” You’re taking it positively yet it gave you a negative shutdown? WTF? It’s akin to saying your marriage is the happiest thing that has happened in your life yet but it ruined your appetite? You can’t be happy about one thing and accuse it of causing some bad effect on you at the same time. Else what are you happy at in the first place if the same happiness causes you an equivalent dosage of misery? Yea..the same irritating workmate I hate will be leaving this ABC company soon, but somehow I think I will be missing his annoyance. You think this sentence make sense? Coz if it does, then it’s obvious you are being sarcastic by saying something that you don’t truly mean it.
You with access to an internet connection and with your own flog should know, of all people, that comments mean both good and bad. Or are you actually expecting only those sweet honey-laced words that would make you feel good whole day about yourself so you can go brag with your hubby or your friends and feel satisfied with life? Seriously, if you want only good comments, keep your flog to your husband only. And if you want approval, print out every flog article you have written and go show it to your dog. I am sure your dog will wag it’s silly tail in agreement with every words you uttered. Else take everything with a truck load of salt and then move on.
And like you, I took great pain in commenting your flog.
So, did you like the paste here? You mentioned you never did find any....and you didn't mention on this either:)
And yeah, whether positive or negative feedback, it's all ok....just keep going...you're writing for your interest and sharing..so keep it on:D
omg!! u're superb. u're so in pain and yet u can type so long. better seek for doctor's consultation.
since this blog giving u such unbearable pain, then dun comment :P
NKOTB, I finally get to your blog. Don't worry about the mad dog. You had done a good job on reviewing. I agree sometime we have the feeling of dilemma on our review and flogging is not as easy as some people might think off.
We understand your perdicament here. I have actually started blogging not long ago, but have been actively reviewing eating outlets due to our interest and passion for food.
I guess to many bloggers, especially food bloggers, the reason why we blog is that we are passionate with what we do, eat, experience and also what we have found, and share with others through our postings. There is nothing wrong to share what is considered good experince to us with others. And it is not wrong fore warn other if the experience was bad. THERE ARE ALWAYS TWO SIDES OF A COIN.
Going back to the comment left by VANITY FLING, the person is DOING A LOT OF BANGING BUT YET ONLY MANAGED TO SHOOT BLANKS! After the whole comment, I did not really know what he or she was really trying to say about the food in Breeks. May be the person is trying to show that he or she is very ARTICULATE in writting and POWDERFULL in English.
Or the person may have a stake in Breeks. If the person is connected to Breeks in anyway, it would be more important to take negative feedbacks as a call for better improvements. The person is just IGNORANT on what should a F&B out provide to its customers, not only nice ambient and good service but value for money good food. For a F&B outlet, the most TANGIBLE and BASIC product that they have to offer is the FOOD & DRINK that they provide. If it CAN'T even managed it properly, for WHAT REASON SHOULD WE PATRONISE them and PAY THEM FOR THE LOUSY FOOD and SERVICE that they provide?! THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR THE LOUSY FOOD SERVED or BAD SERVICE PROVIDED, no matter the reasons are.
dun worry lar.. wow.. i read jason's comment. he mentioned mad dog. i was thinking of a nice word to best describe tat kind of person and he jus manage to get the word nicely :)
u see u got lotsa supporters here rite? so dun bother abt those mad dogs out there :) if she/ he so damn good, she shld hv a blog herself and write the comments abt the food or etc lar lar. but now she/he acting like an ostrich. hiding her/his head under the ground. so dun take it seriously ok? muak muaks
On your 1st post dated October 10 8:52 PM – It amazes me that you hardly know what is the meaning of the metaphor “took great pain in commenting your flog” yet somehow, miraculously you managed to sum up the idea of “it’s better not to comment if I am in such an unbearable pain”. I dread to think of how many screw ups and misinterpretation you have in your flog. I am truly dumb-founded on you being so ignorant of simple expression when you belong to part of the so-called flogging community. Would suggest you to learn how to flog from aliceteh.com perhaps? You could learn loads from her. And you could start by browsing in google by typing the keyword, “Proverb”. Trust me..it helps.
On your 2nd post dated October 11 2:54 PM – You started calling someone as Mad Dog for not having the same idea as yourself? Now, do you call your mum as a Mad Dog as well coz she forced you to take something you don’t like when you’re six? Or was that your dad coz he doesn’t allow you to go hanging out in ABC shopping complexes when you’re only 15 and believes you should instead go for that tuition class? Of course, I am only giving out an example for you to ponder, jst incase you gonna say something like I hardly know you so I shouldn’t say this or that. You know..the ‘for instance’ thingy? Like how some ppl would put “eg” to indicate example? You still don’t get my example thingy? Okay…lemme get my 2+ niece to write you a reply k, I bet you folks share the same wavelength. *wink
PS : You say if I am so good, then I should write my own blog/flog right? How if I tell u I don’t write those, but I write two articles for the opposition. So you admit I am good now? Or you jst want to have a cheap shot at me only and don’t care whether I write a blog, flog or a whole NST column?
Steven Goh :
On your post dated October 10 10:33 PM – Quoting back your words “Flogger write with their interest and own opinions. Have you heard about the word "dilemma" before? Some thing can be good and bad at the same time.” What is so wrong with me replying my own interest and opinion as well? In simple form in case you can’t see YOUR own point :
1) She wrote Island Red is Good.
2) I commented Island Red is bad.
3) Then she went berserk with a negative shutdown.
4) And I retaliated with my own negative breakdown.
So….who is sicker for starting it? And you want to re-modify your post seeing you have commented without understanding my prior post? U watched the debate between Dr.Koh and LGE? U know what is shoot then only look? Good….now go register and join Gerakan.
PS : I don’t write comment that pains my own ass. I took great effort in writing one. Avoided the use of ‘took great pain’ in case you gonna interpret wrongly like Liang Mui up there. Sigh…what’s wrong with flogger’s vocab recently? They took a plunge like our economy share market nowadays? Or they left their brains at all those cafés they tried? Darn!
PPS : And to quote Liang Mui’s advise to me which sounded, “since this blog giving u such unbearable pain, then dun comment :P”. I would like to quote you base on Liang Mui’s standard of understanding, “since flogging gives u such a feeling of dilemma, then don’t flog”. So now you gonna come head on to me for quoting Liang Mui, or you gonna turn your gun on her since I learnt from her? Life is a millennia-long learning process and yes, I am still learning….from ppl like you and her. ;)
PPPS : On the Mad Dog thingy..so you gonna start with your dad 1st or your mum?
Jason Wong :
On your post dated October 11 12:55 AM – Screw Breeks. I been there twice after my other half insisted me to give them a second chance. And this is especially for you, Please, for the Love of God, try UNDERSTANDING the whole thing before giving your thoughts. Some people do really sound and look brighter when they talk a lot less, or better still, don’t talk (read type here) at all. You hardly know what transpired yet you jst chip in hoping to have a kill. You heard of a loose translation from Hokkien, “Blind hoping for 10 points”? Specially during Siam Ban Dak gamble? Cheh Meh Pok Chap Tiam. So please…pretty pretty please..go read why your Mylovemyfood owner have replied so before giving your thoughts again, please..ur ruining the good image of other floggers. Not every floggers are as brainless as you k…you are NOT helping the floggers community. Or blogger assuming you are not an “F”.
And this..this is crème de la crème. Quote “KEEP UP THE HARD WORK AND DO NOT BE INTIMIDATED BY THIS SORT OF PEOPLE!” Posing critic is a sort of intimidation? Wtf? You mean you guys are NOT food critic? You mean you all ONLY give good review on food even when it tasted like my socks? Darn..no wonder my friends don’t rely on flogs anymore. Now I believe them.
PS : Jst to add, did you jst shot your own foot? Quote by you “it would be more important to take negative feedbacks as a call for better improvements”. But I don’t see you or Liang Mui here taking negative feedback as call for improvements. Oh ya..now I recall, you guys don’t own any restaurants or cafes…only restaurant and café owners need to take negative feedback for better improvements. The rest should jst retaliate negative feedback with calls of shooting blanks or being sarcastic with powderfull Englang. I feel for you man, I feel for you.
Owner of Mylovemyfood :
Pls do visit other more “matured” flogs on how they accept comments that don’t go inline with their taste. Stop mingling with friends that give you a Feel-Good comment only. Else you gonna end up like the “Emperor’s New Clothes”. Or closer to home, like our Ah Lah Minister. To avoid you misinterpreting my meaning with the new dress thingy like Liang Mui up there since Birds of the same feathers flock together, what I meant was….the emperor’s naked and yet all those around the emperor praises his new clothes. If you still don’t get where I am coming from, go talk to your other half..i am sure he knows.
It would be best to keep our mouth close for now to prevent the Vanity from finding an excuse to Fling more dirt/hurt!
Vanity Fling,
This what I have to say to you, thanks for pointing out our flaws (if any). Our command of English is not as powerful as yours, and our writting skills are not as storng as yours. Thus, we do not write for the Opposition or Newspaper! What we do is just contributing our personal experience, thoughts and opinions on food. We are not paid to blog or to cause harm! We do not mean to cause harm but to encourage improvements.
You are like most of the politicians in town, talk of all the problems and mistakes, but doesn't seem take the initiative to improve or repair the demage. If you think you are really that good, may be you could contribute by positive means to improve the blogging community here!
We all welcome constructive(in plain understandable English)opinions!
If we have misinterpreted your earlier comments, please enlighten us. Find the patients and grace in you to expalin and correct what was wronged.
In blogging or in live there are no clear lines between right or wrong, black or white. Someone's food may be another's poison. A person of your presume stature should understand and know!
I hope that we do not hear the last of you here! I would like to see you contributing positive thoughts to improve the community here, rather than just finger pointing.
Quote :
This what I have to say to you, thanks for pointing out our flaws (if any). Our command of English is not as powerful as yours, and our writting skills are not as storng as yours. Thus, we do not write for the Opposition or Newspaper! What we do is just contributing our personal experience, thoughts and opinions on food. We are not paid to blog or to cause harm! We do not mean to cause harm but to encourage improvements.
Comment :
You should ask Liang Mui for directing me the question of ‘if I am so good then why not I blog my own site”. Your community member brought this up to me. I merely play along. So don’t come to me as if I was the one flaunting my englang. Go screw your Liang Mui and I will graciously learn from THAT reply of yours to her.
Quote :
You are like most of the politicians in town, talk of all the problems and mistakes, but doesn't seem take the initiative to improve or repair the demage. If you think you are really that good, may be you could contribute by positive means to improve the blogging community here!
We all welcome constructive(in plain understandable English)opinions!
Comment :
My positive call for improvement seems to be by-passed by your high knowledge of understanding :
By-passed point #1 in referring to online blogging/flogging’s comment : …take everything with a truck load of salt and then move on.
By-passed point #2 in referring to owner of Mylovemyfood’s flogger friends : Pls do visit other more “matured” flogs on how they accept comments that don’t go inline with their taste.
By-passed point #3 in referring to learning how to flog/blog : Would suggest you to learn how to flog from aliceteh.com perhaps? You could learn loads from her. And you could start by browsing in google by typing the keyword, “Proverb”. Trust me..it helps.
You could find all of my ideas of improvement in this page alone..so mayhaps you should REALLY read BEFORE asking for positive contribution for it is already there. And I haven’t even gone through my previous post yet on improvements.
And believe me, you of all people, are NOT readly for constructive opinions. Those who are ready do not reply in your way. They reply by taking a step back amidst all the flak, re-clarify their view and ask on how & what to improve on their thoughts. They put aside ego and have the learning process as priority. Not on, “she’s one of my flogging friends so I have to defend her even if she might be wrong or even if I don’t understand what are they arguing about”.
Quote :
If we have misinterpreted your earlier comments, please enlighten us. Find the patients and grace in you to expalin and correct what was wronged.
Comment :
Yes. You have no idea my 1st reply in this Breeks article was in response to Mylovemyfood’s comment related to Island Red Café article. I am not commenting or replying in anyway related to Breeks. As I said, screw Breeks. My response was to her reply on what I have commented on Island Red Café. Read in steps :
1) Island Red Café Article
2) Island Red Café Comments
3) Breeks Article
4) Breeks Comments
Quote :
In blogging or in live there are no clear lines between right or wrong, black or white. Someone's food may be another's poison. A person of your presume stature should understand and know!
Comment :
I know. There for I didn’t have any personal attack on the owner of Mylovemyfood. I attacked Island Red Café for serving lousy food.
Quote :
I hope that we do not hear the last of you here! I would like to see you contributing positive thoughts to improve the community here, rather than just finger pointing.
Comment :
Who finger pointed in the first place without 1st understanding my comments on Island Red Café before moving on to Breeks article? Do you 3 likes making judgment by listening to HALF a story? And as I said, your eyes are blurred with anger on positive thoughts even when it is right smack in front of you (refer to positive contribution points). So what positive contribution have you done on Mylovemyfood’s flog’s? Did you tell her to maybe give Island Red Café a 2nd try to confirm whether what Vanity Fling said was true or maybe the chef that day was sick thus the lack of quality on the food served? Did you in any way try NOT to fan the fire but to help douse it off? No! You throw in your own comments (without 1st understanding what the ruckus is all about) and now you’re acting all big and sunny and ask me to give positive contribution and that I should not point fingers? Dude, u don’t need English courses, u need a shrink and an eye opener.
So to clarify..my shrink here meant Psychiatrist.
Darn! I didnt left tuition world jst so i could teach some above 20 yrs old adults!
I think my eyes have opened, and at this moment I do not think I need a shrink to keep my sanity in check. At least we are making progress here!
1. At least the misunderstanding is clear.
2. At least we now know that your comment on Breeks posting was meant for Island Red Cafe.
And again, I would like to thank you for spending so much time on your comments and replies. That shows that you are still human.
May be you would like to see more postings and comments of Island Red Cafe. I ain't a fan of theirs either. May be we could get acquainted on more friendly grounds?