7 facts about ME

Since now is lunch time, let me finish some outstanding tags that fellow bloggers had tagged me. I’ve been tagged by Havenly Allie on 7 facts about me.

Ok, let’s start with the following –

  1. I am a dessert person, I love dessert, especially those made in chocolate.

  2. I am a lazy person too, when the mood is not right, I can lie on the bed and sleep whole day.

  3. I am a workaholic person too. I can work from 7am to 7pm and back home take a rest and dinner and start work again.

  4. People said I have expensive hobby, so what do you think? As I picked up photographing recently, so, I need to save some money to buy myself a DSLR.

  5. Am a short temper person, but can go off easily too.

  6. I am also a ‘kiam siap’ person too… so, all these years holiday are foot by hubby.

  7. I am an Internet person too, without Internet, do not know how to survive.

Ok, job done. Let me pass this to

My Simple Kitchen


Allie said…
Thanks for taking the time to write this down.
I am a dessert person too :-)
worldwindows said…
I love to have a DSLR too but hate the idea of lugging one around. That's a tough assignment.... as I am a procrastinator-type :-)
Little Inbox said…
I have not posted mine yet, soon...
Anonymous said…
haha I have yet to do my tag yet also..and yes, same like you, I'm so into photography(although lacking skills and knowledge of it) and am saving penny by penny to get a DSLR one day!! *which DSLR do you think is worth buying??*
Steven Goh said…
oh my I just passed by little inbox website and saw this tagging everywhere post now here is also the same. I think I am too tired, that is just an illusion. I need more rest.