It was a sweet thought that Lingzie invited me for lunch together with BigBoysOven, Food Point of Interest, and What2See – CK Lam.
I cannot imagine myself is actually having lunch with this group of people, especially CK kept asking me why I shy away from them. I was just speechless at that point in time and do not know what to say. But, I know down deep in my heart, I am honour to be here.
Lingzie drove us here for lunch, and Food Point of Interest was busy ordering dishes. The moment they stepped in, I couldn’t believe from my own eyes, they were starting to snap photos, the signboard, the shop, the buildings, everything that you name it, they shoot!
I have to admit that the dishes that they ordered, was like a home cook food, and it really fills up everybody’s starving stomach at that time. It was fun, and also at the same time, you learn a lot from these “seniors”.
Here are the dishes that we had ….
Total damage is RM80, a lunch that full of surprises, honour, laughter, and knowledge too.
11am to 11pm
Hope we will meet up for food the next visit to Penang! I book you first now ! :)
Hope your hand is fully recovered!
star-struck right? :)
Hope we will be able to meet up for more makan-makan session.
Hi 550ml jar of faith, thanks to them to bring me here... the food was marvelous.
Hi Food Paradise, yes, they are... I was the shy one.
Hi Allie, ya ya ya.... was unexpected such dish.
Hi Little Inbox, hehehehe... wait huh?!
Hi email2me, oh yes, no doubt about it!!!
Hi BBO, sure... let's mark it down... when to meet up for another makan-makan session!!!
Hi J2Kfm, no la!!! I have no where to go for lunch mah... so tag along lor... paiseh paiseh...
Hi CK, yes,... was hoping to meet you guys again!!!
Hi Sugar Bean, ya ya ya... you're right!! And you will get to learn from the senior bloggers where to focus on when you take the pictures!! It was great indeed!
Hi Food for Tots, hehehe... if you notice my blog do not post any portraits/group photo. More of food only. But CK took 1 shot for rememberance. It would be great if we could meet up with you when you're back in Penang.
Hi Worldwindows, got ah??? Didn't notice that....
Hi SimpleGirl, it's not over-cooked... in fact, taste awesome, marvelous... good!!
Hi Apple Foodees, thanks for dropping by.... it wasn't at all... it tastes good!! Two thumbs up for that!